P0137 HO2S2
DTC Description
The heated oxygen sensor 2 has a much longer switching time
between rich and lean than the air fuel ratio (A/F) sensor 1. The oxygen
storage capacity of the three way catalyst (manifold) causes the
longer switching time. To judge the malfunctions of heated ox ...
Body construction
Body Construction
Outer body side
Outer front pillar reinforcement
Upper inner front pillar
Rear hoodledge reinforcement
Side dash
Inner front pillar reinforcement
Lower front pillar hinge brace
Upper hinge plate
Weld nut
Upper dash
Upper steering membe ...
NISSAN Intelligent Key® (if so equipped)
Replace the battery in the Intelligent Key as follows:
Remove the mechanical key from the Intelligent
Insert a small screwdriver A into the slit B
of the corner and twist it to separate the
upper part from the lower part. Use a cloth to
protect the casing.
Replace th ...