Nissan Rogue manuals

Nissan Rogue Service Manual: Steering

Steering angle sensor
Exploded View Combination switch Steering angle sensor Spiral cable Removal and Installation Removal and Installation  Remove the spiral cable. Refer to SR-15, "Explode ...

Steering System

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DTC/circuit diagnosis
POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIRCUIT BCM (BODY CONTROL SYSTEM) (WITH INTELLIGENT KEY SYSTEM) BCM (BODY CONTROL SYSTEM) (WITH INTELLIGENT KEY SYSTEM) : Diagnosis Procedure Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to BCS-50, "Wiring Diagram". 1. CHECK FUSE Check that the following fuse i ...

P0963 pressure control solenoid A
DTC Description DTC DETECTION LOGIC DTC CONSULT screen terms (Trouble diagnosis content) DTC detection condition P0963 PC SOLENOID A(Pressure Control Solenoid A Control Circuit High) When all of the following conditions are satisfied and this state is maintain ...

Basic inspection
COMPONENT INSPECTION Inspection AFTER A COLLISION WARNING: Inspect all seat belt assemblies including retractors and attaching hardware after any collision. NISSAN/INFINITI recommends that all seat belt assemblies in use during a collision be replaced unless the collision was minor and t ...

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