Nissan Rogue manuals

Nissan Rogue Service Manual: U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT


CAN communication allows a high rate of information transmission through the two communication lines (CAN-H line and CAN-L line) connecting various control units in the system. Each control unit transmits/ receives data but selectively reads required data only.

DTC Logic


DTC Display Item Malfunction detected condition Possible causes
U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT When CAN communication signal is not continuously received for 2 seconds or more CAN communication system malfunction

Diagnosis Procedure



  1.  Turn ignition switch ON.
  2.  Perform self-diagnostic result.

Is DTC U1000 detected? YES >> Proceed to diagnosis procedure. Refer to LAN-17, "Trouble Diagnosis Flow Chart".

NO >> Refer to GI-41, "Intermittent Incident".

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