Nissan Rogue manuals

Nissan Rogue Service Manual: Service data and specifications (SDS)

General Specifications

General Specifications

Preload Torque

Preload Torque

Drive Gear Runout

Drive Gear Runout



Differential Side Gear Clearance

Differential Side Gear Clearance

Unit disassembly and assembly
ELECTRIC CONTROLLED COUPLING Exploded View Stud bolt Connector bracket Reamer bolt Electric controlled coupling assembly Wave spring Drive pinion oil seal Drive pinion lock nut ...

Front Axle

Other materials:

Squeak and rattle trouble diagnoses
Work Flow CUSTOMER INTERVIEW Interview the customer if possible, to determine the conditions that exist when the noise occurs. Use the Diagnostic Worksheet during the interview to document the facts and conditions when the noise occurs and any customer's comments; refer to RF-47, &qu ...

Basic inspection
DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR WORKFLOW Work Flow OVERALL SEQUENCE DETAILED FLOW 1.GET INFORMATION FOR SYMPTOM Get detailed information from the customer about the symptom (the condition and the environment when the incident/malfunction occurred). >> GO TO 2. 2.CONFIRM THE SYMPTOM Try t ...

Rear power window switch
Removal and Installation REMOVAL  Remove screw cover (1). Remove screw (A). Release pawls using a suitable tool (A) and remove rear power window switch finisher (1). : Pawl Disconnect harness connector from rear power window switch. Release the pawls, then sep ...

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