Nissan Rogue manuals

Nissan Rogue Service Manual: C1770, C1771, C1772, C1773 G sensor

DTC Description


DTC Display Item Malfunction Detected Condition Possible Causes
C1770 G SENSOR FL (G sensor front left) Malfunction in the G sensor data from front left wheel sensor.
  • Tire pressure sensor
  •  Tire pressure receiver
C1771 G SENSOR FR (G sensor front right) Malfunction in the G sensor data from front right wheel sensor.
C1772 G SENSOR RL (G sensor rear left) Malfunction in the G sensor data from rear left wheel sensor.
C1773 G SENSOR RR (G sensor rear right) Malfunction in the G sensor data from rear right wheel sensor.

Diagnosis Procedure


When DTC "C1770, C1771, C1772, C1773" is detected, replace wheel sensor.

>> Replace wheel sensor. Refer to BRC-132, "FRONT WHEEL SENSOR : Removal and Installation" (front wheel sensor), BRC-134, "REAR WHEEL SENSOR : Removal and Installation" (rear wheel sensor).

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