Nissan Rogue manuals

Nissan Rogue Owners Manual: BSW driving situations

Another vehicle approaching from behind

Another vehicle approaching from behind

The Blind Spot indicator light illuminates if a vehicle enters the detection zone from behind in an adjacent lane.

However, if the overtaking vehicle is traveling much faster than your vehicle, the indicator light may not illuminate before the detected vehicle is beside your vehicle. Always use the side and rear mirrors and turn and look in the direction your vehicle will move to ensure it is safe to change lanes.

Another vehicle approaching from behind

If the driver activates the turn signal, then the Blind Spot indicator light flashes and a chime will sound twice.

NOTE: If the driver activates the turn signal before a vehicle enters the detection zone, the Blind Spot indicator light will flash but no chime will sound when the other vehicle is detected.

Overtaking other vehicles

Overtaking other vehicles

The Blind Spot indicator light illuminates if you overtake a vehicle and that vehicle stays in the detection zone for approximately 3 seconds.

The camera unit may not detect slower moving vehicles if they are passed quickly

Overtaking other vehicles

If the driver activates the turn signal while another vehicle is in the detection zone, then the Blind Spot indicator light flashes and a chime will sound twice.

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BSW system operation The BSW system operates above approximately 20 MPH (32 km/h). When the camera unit detects vehicles in the detection zone, the Blind Spot indicator light located inside ...

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